June 28, 2009

My name is Keli Day and I LOVE Jonathan Call! (posted by Jonathan)

This video was one of the many romantic things Jon suprised me with for my birthday! He is so talented and smart. This was his first time ever making a video and id have to say im VERY impressed. He is a stud! :)

PS... Before you watch it, press pause on my blog music player so that you can hear the music that goes with the video.


Anonymous said...

That was way cute! You guys have done so many fun things together. You guys make a VERY cute couple!!

Mr. Fish said...

Oh awesome you made me barf all over my computer. Thanks.

VonTana said...

I think I agree with Mr. Fish!!! So I am totally glad we are friends, but... are you making fun of the way I dress by sayin I was cute? I wouldn't blame you if you were. I had to wear work clothes for a meeting I had that morning. But then I got free pizza and free trip up the Empire state building so I shouldn't complain too much. However my clothes didn't come out in the picture right. the colors look funny. I really did match, i promise!!! :) Happy birthday hooker!

Jd & Katie said...

I love the video! You guys are awesome for each other. Hope you had a good birthday! Miss ya love katie