May 22, 2009

11 Miles Done!

After a nice short weekend break without any running, I am back at it! The training schedule I’m following requires you to run 1 long run a week. Then every other day after is a short 45 minute run. Each week the long run increases by one mile. Last week I did 10 miles so this week I had to attempt 11. I started from my house and ran to my sister’s house (5.5 miles), made a stop for some water and played with the kids for a while before I ran back :)… I didn’t have much motivation to keep running without stopping for a long break. Guess it’s the thought and attempt that counts right? Hopefully next week I will be more motivated to run the entire thing without stopping

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Way to go Girl! Thats awesome! You are going to get in amazing shape...maybe you could be my coach :) I have the hardest time motivating myself to run, especially by myself, so you are totally my idol.