March 13, 2010

Spring Break

The trip started out early Saturday morning; we loaded up the cars and left for St George. It was snowing and cold when we left, which made us even more excited to leave town. We stopped in Kanab for lunch and it was SO windy and cold! Once we got back on the road, it started snowing again... (So much for leaving the snow) After we checked out the house, we played some pool, then headed to our favorite restaurant... I know I've said it before, but this place is REALLY good! The pool table was a hot item- we played it everyday. Sunday after church we bbq'd steaks, hung out at the house, then drove over to check out Tuacahn Amphitheater. I wasn't really sure what this place was until we got there, it's gorgeous! Lot's of red rock with a stage in between it all. I didn't realize how popular it was but they actually have cool people perform here, Kelly Pickler and Brian Regan will be there next month. Typically I try to avoid myself the embarrassment of posting any REALLY ugly pictures (such as the one below.) But for the sake of this post I want to make it well known that the weather was crappy and we were all freezing. No there wasn't a flood coming either, my pants were rolled previous to this picture when we went to the sand dunes but decided to leave because of the wind. Yes it was still windy... My hair didn't love it. The next two days the weather was finally warm- we did lots and lots of shopping. (My favorite thing to do in St George) Or anywhere for that matter :) We spent the rest of our time laying out and playing in the pool. My dad being the judge for the boys cannon ball splash contest. We spent our last night treating ourselves to this delicious place.. So so good! Thanks Mom and Dad for another fun trip! Love you both!!


Barbara said...

What a fun week! Your family is awesome! Yum! I LOVE that pizza place. I could eat those breadsticks until I pop! YUMMY!

VonTana said...

So many places to eat in St G. Not even cool. Have you tried the pasta factory next door to the pizza factory? Or you should go to samurai sometime. its fun. and the mexican place by the pizza factory is really good. Oh and lets not forget the original Cafe Rio in St. G. Oh and ice berg and... ok, no more posting about St G. I demand it. It makes me wanna go there now!